Saturday, July 12, 2008

Managed Healthcare: Euthanasia Exposed in America and the Massacre of the Elderly

Managed Healthcare: Euthanasia Exposed in America and the Massacre of the Elderly

We take our parents, grandparents, and elderly friends to hospitals who have Kidney, Heart, Liver, or Colon issues expecting them to receive life sustaining care only to find out that just because of their age, medical history or income level were catorgerized for meticulous overdosings of various heart medications inhibiting their responsiveness in order for the hospital to issue a DNR (DO NOT RESUSITATE) Order without the families content so that the hospital management can make beds availible for wealither patients. These hospitals find it more profitable to euthanize their strong older patients than to set aside the personell to cater to their needs. Other times patients are euthanized who are assumed to have a difficult time paying.

High Occupancy Hospital
Managing the Percentages between those who can pay, fast payers, slow payers, and the likelihood of non-payers.

The Legal Drug Dealer connections with pallitive care.
Pallitive care has become a cost management strategy designed to systematically eliminate the number of patients by devising pre-determined complications while reducing the patients discomfort regardless of their wishes to live.

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